Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's day at Porjus i Jokkmok kummune

Bye Bye Stockholm, Simone, Hans, Madeleine, Louise, Philip, Léon, Zelda...
...Hej Hej Porjus, Patricia, Aurora Borealis

It is not without a pinch to my heart that I left Stockholm, taking the night train to Gällivare... I did have the chance to travel with 2 Spanish people one ERASMUS guy and his girlfriend, in a 6 bed compartment we had enough place 8)

I did arrive in Porjus his morning at 10, with great weather conditions: snow, sun and clear sky!
The day started with grabbing some food and scouting the surroundings, I was able to discover that Porjus (almost as many inhabitants than Oberhergheim) has a Golf, well not practicable now, an hotel, an huge watter power plant, an "ICA" supermarket, doctor, dentist ...

I also meet an older guy selling smoked fish, reindeer meat, frozen fish, all sort of furs, souvenirs, ... It was interesting to talk with him knowing a lot from Porjus, and the Sami (natives) community...

Here some interesting prognoses about the next nights...

"This green corona lit up the night sky over the weekend," reports photographer Fredrik Broms of Kvaløya, Norway. "It was absolutely breathtaking--and the best may be yet to come!"

He's right. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is heading toward Earth and it could spark strong geomagnetic activity when it arrives on March 17th or 18th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Let's hope for the best these upcoming nights!

here some pictures of Porjus:

snow motor bike are commonly used:

The place where I am staying the 2 next weeks:

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