Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stockholm City Hall

Hi everybody,

as the weather in Porjus got worse today, I profit to make some additional posts on this blog...
While staying in Stockholm we do visit the famous place where the Nobel price reception take place every year: the city hall.

We did take a 40 minutes tour with Simone, the guide was really good and here are some trivia:

the blue hall (where the Nobel price dinner take place) is not blue but red :) The architect initial plane was to pain it all blue, but the beautiful brick color made him change his mind not to paint them blue.

The word "Windows" (wind ow) comes from the vikings architecture roofs:

This is also the place where the political decisions are made:

The golden hall (10 kg of gold used in mosaic) was realized by a 23 old Swedish architect who alone would have taken 7 years, but with 100 People helping him day and night, it was finished in 4 months...

Nevertheless the guide pinpointed us some "big" mistake:
1. only 2 crowns instead of 3 where represented
2. the head of the king is missing

The architect had the following excuses:
1. it is a perspective view, the 3rd crown cannot be visible
2. after all the king was decapitated by the danish :)

finally here the saint Eric extracted from the wall of the city hall:


  1. Je ne vais plus pouvoir suivre tes péripéties pendant une semaine :(
    Profite en bien, bisous Ericala & pense a moi au CRRIIIITTTTTTT ça va être terrible! :)
    (Ne soit pas jaloux toi t'as les aurores!)

  2. Le CRIT... attention a ce que tu vas boire :) bonne session de ski...

  3. Le saint Eric, laisse moi rire!
    GLuck Celine

  4. les Eric sont toujsours sages... lol
