Monday, April 12, 2010

Bergen, city of the hanse

Bergen city center is simply great, especially by good weather condition, which was not the case the afternoon I arrived, it was raining :(

In the meantime I reached the Bergen youth hostel, where could meet interesting people from USA, Canada, Denmark, South Korea and Germany ;0)

I also have to say that the hostel is lying in the best part of the city, really central place! A big thanks to the Belgian receptionist, who even I arrived too late (she was already closing the reception...) made it possible and organized me a room for the 2 nights of my stay.

The Friday some clouds in the morning, but still a nice view over Bergen from the "little" mountain (300m hill for swiss measure).

Another pleasure of Bergen, is to follow the tight little street, between the older houses of the city, it was feeling like play hide and seek ;)
The good thing is that there are not all located on the same place, made it really interesting discovery occupying most of my afternoon.

Finally waiting for good light over Bryggen old constructions (part of the UNESCO sites over the world)

Here are some more shots by night...

Tomorrow, I will be on the train from Bergen to Oslo (7h04) but with good company ;)

Oslo I am coming!

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