Friday, April 2, 2010

Hurtigruten: Harstad -> Kirkenes -> Tromsø

Here are some news concerning the first part of the Hurtigruten trip!

It started the 29th on Harstad at 8 am with a cloudy sky, but so much to see around.

Local people call this part of Norway: "Swizerland with the sea!" Well I do agree, but one huge difference is the endless landscape!

My first day was practically spend on the boat deck, taking pictures of the Fjords, probably the tourist is getting affected by all the surrounding beauty, and can not stop taking phtoto (do not worry I still have some Gigabytes cards left)

We could also witness a wonderful sunset leaving Tromsø towards north.

The first night on board I was not able to sleep much. The sea was calm, but my cabin was located close to the machine room, quite noisy and some twitching part due to vibration. A "roots" get use to extrem conditions, (no I did not get drunk... to fall asleep)

Anyway, the next day the sky was filled up with grey clouds, so nothing special to photograph. I had some more naps than usual ;)

And then it started, the sea became wavy, the first people got sea-sickness symptoms :( As the boat MS Nordstjernen was build on 1956, these older model do not have the new fine technologies, so yes it balanced more and more up and down, right to left... as a preventive care, I took the "mer calme" medicine, thx Céline, then was not affected, and found it like some attraction in a theme park ;)

The day after we reach Kirkenes, the end point of the Hurtigruten north trip. Just some km from the Russian border, amazing to find some people living so far up north, but the town center had everything one needs!

On our way back toward south, I had again chance to witness northern lights all around us on the boat, it was great! Unfortunately, photo won't be good quality, the boat was balancing too much :(

I could go to sleep, satisfied of the nature show, I slept well until this morning 7am. After a furnished Norwegian breakfast (all kind of fish :))...
I occupied by taking the sun on a lie chair on the top deck of the boat, sometimes making some pictures, other time, having coffee ;) the real lazy day of vacation ;) enjoying the landscape!

 The last Photo is some calm wave pattern :)

The Hurtigruten crew responsible of the boat docking, unloading goods, ...

This evening I did check out from this boat an stay over the weekend in Tromsø (little Paris is its name!)

Well I just checked in the AMI hostel, more like the good old ERASMUS time, youth coming from all over the world :) it's fun.

Good night, there should be some activity ahead, let's hope the sky will be clear, and that I will find some place in Tromsø to shoot some more northern light pictures...

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